12th World Congress on Biomaterials 2024 in Daegu, South Korea

From May 26 to 31, 2024

We would like to invite you to the 12th World Congress on Biomaterials 2024 in Daegu, South Korea from May 26 to 31, 2024.

Please visit us at booths 42 & 46, where the team of our distributor Maverick Biosciences Pty Ltd. will be pleased to welcome you.

You can also join us live on May 28, 2024, between 12:20 and 13:10 in room 322, where Terance Hart will present an exciting lecture entitled “Telocollagen additives for Regenerative Medicine - seen through the eyes of a Dental Device lens”

We look forward to your visit and wish you a pleasant journey.

Your KBM & Maverick Team


12. Weltkongress für Biomaterialien 2024 in Daegu, Südkorea vom 26. bis 31. Mai 2024



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